Lightning - "An atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms " as defined by Wikipedia. But that is not the only way I would describe lightning.
Like how every natural phenomenon like rain or sunshine is essential, lightning is also essential. When the annual rainfall decreases, it affects this ecosystem one way or the other, likewise, if no lightning occurs, this planet may have to face several consequences.
I would say, this natural phenomenon is so lovely, as tremendous energy is imparted to the earth during the process. It is estimated that, with the energy liberated with just one stroke of lightning, the entire city of Chennai could be guaranteed free power supply for a month. Surprising right? It is true!
So the next question is, why do we not use this form of energy to produce electrical energy for household and various other engineering fields. The answer is simple. It is because it is just not possible to trap that enormous amount of energy.
As the air molecules breakdown due to excess potential difference, it is not possible to transfer or even store energy in form of voltages beyond a limit. Thus, it becomes absolutely impossible to obtain energy from lightning. This could be held as the reason for the Van de Graff generators to be placed in Nitrogen atmosphere. Nitrogen gas has got a high capacity to withstand potential difference. (Implicitly it means Nitrogen has a very high dielectric constant).
We in fact create a mini form of lightning everyday in our house and workplaces. Whenever we switch on a switch; the distance between 2 parallel plates of a capacitor becomes smaller and smaller, thereby increasing the potential difference. At the point when the breakdown potential (of air) is reached, there is a small spark created which is then neutralized. In other words, the mega form of spark is a lightning.
Without lightning, the nitrogen would not be available for plants and hence the humans.
The "kodimaram" in hindu temples is constructed having the science of lightning in mind. It has sharp edges here and there. Thus, due to the action of sharp points, it can store and also spray a good amount of energy all around (CORONA DISCHARGE). That is why, temples are constructed with tall and huge 'gopurams' and 'kodimaram'.
The energy I refer to here is not the electric energy, but a form of energy vibrations that is not known to many. It is the vedic energy. The chanting of vedas transforms the sound energy to vedic energy. Thus as more number of people chant the vedas coherantly, there is a constructive interference of all sound waves and hence a greater amount of sound energy is transformed to vedic energy (I use the word transform because, energy can only be transformed not created or destroyed).
The famous tamil word "Goshti" (Group)refers to this. I do not talk about the "Goshti Poosal" in State and Central Houses of the Government. It was a holy and a great practice of our fore fathers to participate in the Goshti especially during the festivals in temples. There is a place called 'Thirukkoshtiyur' near Madurai. It is said that the rishis assembled in a Goshti to sing in praise of Krishna in that place, and hence came to be known as 'Koshti'yur.
The energy I have been mentioning about so far is the positive form of energy. It is very easy to obtain this form of energy. All we need to do is to keep our souls fresh and peaceful. We always need to think about good aspects of life. We must restrain ourselves from abusing or complaining about others. Also, we must not stay idle (Idle mind is devil's workshop). To gain more and more positive energy into ourselves, it is just enough that we stay positive all the time!!!
- ∫.∫rikrishnan