concern, however trivial it might seem to be, needs our immediate
attention, as it might grow to something catastrophic if not tackled
properly. We see people, who while talking let their ‘concerns’
interfere with the lucidity of their thought process. If one is able
to distinguish the concerns involved and address each one of them
separately, the problem is solved.
computer science engineer by now would have guessed that I am talking
about Aspect Oriented Programming and weaving. Well, I am not going
to stick to that ‘aspect’ alone. Ok, let me hit it straight.
There are things that always need to be separate initially, resolved
individually and then ‘weaved’ carefully. That means, they have
to live separately and carry out their work in tandem.
separation of business logic from presentation logic is an important
concern in software development. This enhances pluggability. Have we
not seen electronic media reporting a piece of information in a
variety of ways? Model being the same, we get to see different views.
Well, this is one natural advantage of Model-View separation; lucky
media people! Now, take the example of HTML, CSS separation. While
HTML is all about document structure, CSS is about offering styles to
the document. The same is the case with LaTeX, where the presentation
of content and the content itself are separate. This tool is popular
over WYSIWYG editors for the very reason- the concerns are separately
Earlier during king rule, judiciary and executive were one. These concerns are now separate in our country. Rulers
and their parties are separate concerns. There needs to be a perfect
co-ordination between the two, but at the same time, they should not interfere with
each other’s business. Well, it is the duty of the leader to ensure
that; in other words, a good leader is one who ensures that with
sincerity. People misusing cars provided by their workplaces for
personal use, usually for dropping their kids in school are not a
rarity. Clearly, separation of concerns rule is violated.
philosophy part starts here. Body and soul are also separate. Body is
dead, once the soul departs. Body is perishable, soul is not. Body
and soul are separate concerns. Body is something temporary. To
accuse someone of being short is not right as it is not his / her
posession. For that matter, one cannot claim posession of anything in
this world. We come empty handed; we leave empty handed; however, we quarrel stupidly for things that are not ours.