Sunday, May 16, 2010

I do not have Rs. 5..What if I have to pay ??

It was the last exam to be cleared, one of the best moments of life. [:)] With each one narrating their holiday plans, I forgot the things that had to be taken inside the examination hall. The air was filled with happiness while each one took turns to talk. One said, "At last am gonna leave a NOT gate and enter into a ground pin", while other said "Am now held up with the busy pin [:'(], but I shall enter the co-processor's pin in a week" and so on...

While discussing this, we formed our favourite circle of great importance with great care. It was of great importance as there was a condition imposed. Students who traveled in the same bus must not sit closer! [:O] Or else, they would attract each other and the favourite circle would collapse. After-all, all electrons like us carry charge. There was a red arrow board on top of every one's head to indicate the charge direction. [:P] People belonging to the same bus had arrow marks in the same direction and there were only 3 buses available : (Address Bus, Control Bus and Data Bus [:P] [:P])

It was decided at 9.30 am to start the preparations for the examinations. [:D]. And at 9.45 the examiners had decided to open the doors of the exam halls and asked us to enter the hall. Oh My God !! What a tense moment then!! [:O] I did not have the ID-Card, nor did I have the hall ticket, the blue pen, the pencil....nothing was with me. The roll numbers were counted one by one. By the time I realized my foolishness, the number was 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px1 3py1 3pz1 . Mine was 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px2 3py2 3pz2 4s1 . So just 4 away !! I left my things in my bus. The address bus. [:O] [:O] Oh My God !!!!

Adding to this tension at the last minute, I realized I did not get the HOD seal on the record. Oh yeah It was a practical examination. What do I do now? Go to the Vcc pin and ask our HOD for the sign?? Impossible. She would not sign at any cost! [:(]. That is okay! I made up my mind and I signed (Not mine...Hers..[:P]) Thank god i used the temporary registers to sign her name in her style during the boring class hours, that had given me enough practice. *Sigh* looking at the signature as it was really natural. [:D]

Rushing through the crystal lattices, in a great hurry, I reached the examination hall. Sigh again. What was the status of the roll number calling? 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px2 3py2 3pz2 4s1..."Yes ma'm" I replied... Then I had to choose one of the question papers. Pick Pick Pick and yeah the 4th paper from the left. "Where would you want to sit?" she asked..."There ma'm.." I replied pointing to the very first orbit of the room. [:)] And yet another late realization - I DID NOT BRING A 5 RUPEE COIN, THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO GIVE AFTER FINISHING THE EXAM. [:O]..My mind said " Ha! Thats okay! Let me manage! And, to see the question paper and to realize that the question for me was easy was another joy. Question was funny though. (It had come from Anna University it seems [:P]).

The question was "Travel through the following ICs and explain them in detail (just 1 question I guess for 100 marks): IC 7408, IC 744078, IC7400, IC7482, IC7444". Huh! So I had to identify them correctly as Quad 2-input AND gate, 8-input OR/NOR gate, Quad 2-input NOT gate, Quad 2-input NAND gate and Excess-3 to Gray code decimal decoder respectively and write for some 40 pages in detail about these chips, the pin diagrams, the truth table and the result. Sigh again! The exams are over. I started with 7408, followed by 744078 then 7483 and then 7444 and finally 7400. WOW ! Done with all exams. So Holidays now !! [:)] [:)]

But before that there was an oral instructions - "pay rupees 5 if you cause a high, else collect 5." Wow again! lastly I had visited the NOT gate IC7400 and before entering the NOT gate input pin, the output power was high. It was a NOT gate and therefore my net output power was low. So collect Rs.5/- [:D] [:D] Tossing the 5 rupee coin onto my pocket and with high collars, I left the exam hall happily ! [:)]

Wow !! What a dream ! Kudos to the NOT gate that earned me Rs.5/- [:P] No more sleep. Switch on the modem. Log onto Facebook. Look at the notifications for some stupid comments. Then Blogspot and post !! [:)] Here it is....

CHEERS !! [:)]

- ∫.∫rikrishnan


  1. what does that Rs.5 mean.. viva marks?...anyway its nice..but u forgot abt the lab coat

  2. CSE students never wear any lab coat da !!... :P
