Saturday, August 6, 2011

Design Patterns in Hinduism…!

(The design of Chariots)
You can exploit the wisdom and lessons learned by other developers who've been down the same design problem road and survived the trip” That is how Kathy Sierra introduces the concept of Design Patterns. (Head First – Design Patterns by Kathy Sierra) It is a very interesting book that talks about a few patterns designed by GoF (The Gang of Four… Yeah they were the ones who were on the problem road mentioned earlier and survived)

And these patterns are for software developers, OO developers in particular. It would be better if there are such interesting patterns for designing our lives right? Hmmm… Yeah! Hinduism has got many such interesting patterns coupled tightly with its ideologies. (Now do not tell me that tight coupling is not preferred!) Yes, it is true.

Hinduism is not going beyond people with unshaved beards who wear a saffron dress. It is really a massive ocean. It is almost impractical to learn all grantas composed by our Poorvacharyaars. And what do the grantas teach us? They are the guiding principles that we have to follow in our lifetime. They never force us to follow them, but it is a fact that if we do, our journey on this earth becomes safer and we definitely reach the ultimate destination (just like the GoF Design Patterns)

So, the design patterns that I am focusing here are the design patterns, the principles that we need for leading our lives. Remember it is easy to understand all the 23 design patterns recommended by the GoF, but it is very difficult to understand the design patterns laid by Hinduism. They can be understood only through our poorvacharyars. (Religious gurus)

As per Hinduism, a man can attain salvation only through his acharya. It is similar to a lotus which requires water for synthesis to obtain energy from sun. It is useless if only sun shine is available. Therefore, the acharyas play a very vital role in everyone’s lives. Well, the system of education nowadays do not teach us the design patterns for our lives or the Vedas (which are all the more important)

An individual, who has great devotion for God and also his guru comprehends all the philosophic knowledge that are important. Hence, it is absolutely essential for a spiritual aspirant to show utmost devotion to his guru. As per Hinduism, failure in doing so will prevent us from attaining moksha. The ultimate objective of design patterns is to guide us attaing moksha.


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